Artemisia Afra and Malaria
A team of medical doctors in R D Congo, Jerome Munyangi and Michel Idumbo, have run randomized clinical trials in Maniema province with the participation of some 1000 malaria infected patients. The trials were run in conformity with the WHO procedures. For all the...Rosehip Oil and Wound Healing
Poor wound healing is a major and global threat to public health. Efforts have been made to better understand the underlying mechanisms and develop effective remedies, though the advancements that have been made are still limited. As there are no effective and...Rosehip herbal remedy for Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rose hip herbal remedy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis – a randomised controlled trial. Source: Publication: Phytomedicine 2010 Feb ;17(2)::87-93. :doi: 10.1016/j.phymed.2009.09.003. Publication Date: 2010 Feb Study Author(s): Willich, S N;Rossnagel,...How to cure athlete’s foot
For those of you who are suffering with athlete’s foot and prefer to use home remedies instead of OTC (over the counter) creams or powders, this article will interest you.
How Much Vitamin C is There Actually in Rosehips?
There is a crazy amount of vitamin c in the rosehip fruit, and at…