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Artemisia Afra

We are bulk suppliers of quailty Artemisia Afra
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Artemisia Afra

Also known by the following names: Wilde Als (Afr), Umhlonyane (Zu), Lengana (Sotho).

Artemisia Afra is a perennial that is native to Europe and parts of Africa and Asia but now grows wild in the United States. It is extensively cultivated. Also called shrub wormwood, Artemisia Afra is a member of the daisy or Asteraceae family. Many species of the genus Artemisia have medicinal properties.

Artemisia Afra oil includes pain-killing and calming properties that function as a local anesthetic for neuralgia, rheumatism, and arthritis. It is used as an inhalation for headache relief and nasal congestion. It is antimicrobial, antibacterial, and due to its makeup, it is helpful for the management of hypertensive conditions. One can also add it to a bath for menstrual pains and after childbirth.

Wormwood grows alongside roads or paths. This shrubby plant is 1-3 ft (0.3-0.9 m) tall and has gray-green or white stems covered with fine hairs. The yellowish-green leaves are hairy and silky and have glands that contain resinous particles where the natural insecticide is stored. Wormwood releases an aromatic odor and has a spicy, bitter taste.

Organic Certified
Rosehip oil fruit

Artemisia Afra Essential Oil

Dry Artemisia Afra