Today we are discussing an oil that will most likely assist with your acne scars.
This can aid fade the appearance of your acne scars, please remember that I’m speaking about the healing of acne scars and not exactly healing acne scars. because if you have deep pitted acne scars it’s a skin structural issue which can only be helped with specialist help through micro needling or lasers or Derma rolling to a certain level. I have an idea many of you guys were not comfortable with the suggestion of Derma rolling due to the fact that let’s admit it, it does hurt also it can seem like a lot of work, so I’m always trying to find quick fixes and the form of moisturizers however in this guide I’m speaking about a much better alternative to serum which is going to really help you to a certain extent to fade the presence of your acne scars.
And this is rosehip oil.
How to use Rosehip Oil?
I read a lot of stories on the internet where they discuss mixing rosehip oil along with other oils since it is an essential oil, however, the concern is which oil are you going to combine it with given that, every other kind of oil could break you out, I’ve personally tried a grape seed oil, tamanu oil, coconut oil and castor oil.
And most of these oils did create a breakout on my skin, however, and eventually I discovered an oil that will not break out acne prone skin.
Rosehip oil blends really easily with your own natural oil of your skin and that’s the reason it can be applied safely by people with acne prone skin.
How Does it actually help you fade acne scars?
The thing with acne prone skin is even though it looks oily on the surface it is normally very dehydrated.
So you need to supply it with moisture, you need to hydrate it, to reduce the appearance of acne scars, and that’s rosehip oil is so helpful.
I know a lot of us are not very comfortable with having a greasy skin in the morning while going out so it’s best to use rosehip oil on your skin especially in your night skincare regime.
In the evening I would wash my face and then apply a very small amount of rosehip oil to my face and massage into my skin and when I wake up in the morning I can see immediate results, I can see my skin appears much more lively, it appears very hydrated and this helps in the appearance of reduction of acne scars.
I do believe, if you are constantly using this oil it can have healing effects on your acne scars as well overtime, because everytime you are rosehip oil to your skin you are helping it produce more collagen which is assisting your skin to healing itself and I think moisterization and hydration is the best way to do that.
I would recommend when you are looking to buy rosehip oil for your skin treatment to buy Nature’s Farm rosehip oil as it is not only affordable but is 100% organic, has no additional additives and is certified, which is a must, especially if you are using this or on your skin and your face.
You can buy their oil online at Nature’s Nature’s Farm have many other rosehip products, such as rosehip powder, dried Rose hips and even rosehip tea cut, they also have a range of pet products for horses, dogs, cats and pet rodents.
Alternative creams
I would also like to suggest two alternative creams that will help you on the journey to healing your acne scars but keep your mind if you have deep pitted scars it is going to take time and the outcome may not be as good as seeking professional treatment in the form of lasers or Derma rolling.
The first cream is Dr Baksons S Cure, this was recommended to me by my homoeopathic doctor and the second cream is Postac.
Both these creams we were recommended by two different doctors and they are both effective but the key is consistency like I mentioned over and over again.
for something to work in your skin any to use it daily and you need to make it a regular part of your skincare regime.
S Cure is very affordable and you can find it on the shelves at most Pharmacies, Postac not so much but if you do please go ahead and include it in your skincare and get back to us with your skincare results. you will definitely to see results but it will take some time