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The term  cradle cap applies to a rash that generally appears on the sculpt typically in babies between about answer of 1 months and 6 months or so.

It can look a bit of red can be a little bit scaley, the scalp can be a little bit dry and sometimes flaky as well.

People wonder whether it is itchy or not,  It’s very rare to see babies scratching their heads for rather obvious reasons but it’s sort of thought that might be a little bit itchy but generally not thought to be painful in any way. 

Nobody knows the cause of cradle cap it’s a form of what he calls seborrhoeic dermatitis, now in adults that may manifest as dandruff itchy scalp, in babies can manifest this cradle cap.  It is quite harmless, I guess the important point, is not infectious or contagious, so your baby hasn’t caught it from anybody and they cannot pass it on to anybody. It is an inflammation of the skin on the scalp and falls into the category of skin conditions called dermatitis.

In general it will go by itself and usually by the 6-month stage In fact often before that. 

If it’s not particularly serious and most instances it is not, is no absolute need to do much about a treatment wise.

Treatments Are designed to ease the symptoms which are not particularly concerning Poor troublesome for baby. 

No Appearances can be worrisome for parents and that is quite understandable and on that basis and relatively easy to treat usually with some baby oil, some people like to use olive oil or Or even better organic rosehip oil from Nature’s Farm To make it a little bit less dry and a little bit less irritable. 

 One can gently massage the scalp to get rid of the flakes and crust if that is deemed necessary. The rosehip il will help to sooth scalp and make it a little less dry. 

One potential issue with cradle cap is that it can become infected but this is very rarely. On the off chance that it does get infected it can be treated with an antibiotic which would help it to settle quite quickly.

Note: When trying a new topical treatment your your babies skin, always test on a small area first to check that there is no adverse reaction.