1. Rosehip oil as a care booster
By adding a few drops of rosehip oil, your existing care cream is intensified and your skin can also benefit from the rich and healthy ingredients. Another option is to wet your face with 10 drops of rosehip oil and then spread a care mask over it. Let both work together. You will see that your skin appears even more radiant and nourished.
2. Rosehip oil as a primer
The oil is very light and quickly absorbed into the skin without leaving a heavy film of grease. This makes it a wonderfully nourishing make-up base and activates your natural glow. You only need 1-2 drops for this!
3. Rosehip oil to treat scars
With the help of the diverse range of ingredients, rosehip oil can be optimally used to treat scars or to improve their appearance.
Once the wound has healed and a visible scar has formed, you can start treatment. Dab the oil on the scar twice a day and leave it alone. If you use it regularly, the scar will become flatter and invisible. Incidentally, this can also work with old scars. In addition, pigment spots also respond extremely positively to the treatment.
4. Rosehip oil against stretch marks
Because it strengthens the connective tissue, this natural oil also prevents stretch marks. Existing stretch marks can also be treated with it. To do this, the affected areas should be massaged regularly with the oil.
5. Rosehip oil for soft hair
Do you have long hair that looks straw-like? Rosehip oil can also help here. Work in two drops (yes, that’s really enough!) After washing your hair in the tips and style your hair as usual. You will notice that this makes your hair look full and well-groomed without looking greasy. The ingredients also prevent split ends. For even more care, you can knead the oil into your hair 30 minutes before washing. Your hair will be soft, flowing, shiny and, at best, even no longer need a conditioner.